There are ‘only‘ three things that you need to build a successful startup. They are startup team engagement, user engagement and client / customer engagement! Engagement focused on your...
Startup leaders need to be optimistic, forward looking and full of hope. That much goes without saying. But how do you do optimism when times are tough, people are hurting out of loneliness and...
How should resilient startup leaders and founders plan their summer break in 2020? Imagine, we’re back in January 2020, Christmas is done and you are sitting down to plan your summer trip! The...
Why building trust is your ‘go to’ test for emerging safely… Quick take away: if you have only 10 seconds — the secret to firstly survive and then thrive in a time of crisis is to build trust —...
What stands out when fundraising in a time of crisis is that the behaviour and mindset of the startup or scaleup founder is more important than ever and especially critical to sourcing investment...
I’m an optimist – despite the horrible politics of the last few years – Trump to Brexit to Orban in Hungry and Putin in Russia – I’m hopeful that the next decade will be a great one! As the saying...
1. Step back into Startup Mode Everything is now a fast moving experiment let go of control – ask instead for data and base all decisions on that data instead of custom or perceived wisdom move...
How about we end the struggle of founders creating and building startups? What if we adopt a mission to move from surviving to thriving? No matter what happens to the organisation! Interested? Read...
What stops a startup turning into a scaleup and what can you do about it? Since my own fights with fellow business partners back in the noughties, I’ve wondered how I could have done things...
Do you really need or want funding? Perhaps the answer to that question is yes, in which case, why do you want that funding? Or perhaps asking the question about funding will help you better...
Many people will tell you that becoming (or remaining) an entrepreneur is all about money – raising money that is, so that you can stay in business. And, if you can’t get the money, you...