1,000 Hours – How Much Expertise Does a Founder Need? Surely 10,000 hours? In the noughties, books like Blink by influential author Malcolm Gladwell explained how anyone could become an expert...
Triple Your Startup Impact Are You Up For The Challenge? During my digital / marketing / publishing career, I learnt one very important lesson; write once, publish three times! And, this philosophy...
Are you asking ‘should I start a startup’? Or even, if you fell into your startup by accident, ‘should I continue’? Well, should you carry on? And what is the best career...
Welcome to the last of three in-depth blogs on startup pricing strategy. If this is the third article you are reading…. thanks & well done! (If you missed the previous ones, they are here;...
Startup leaders need to be optimistic, forward looking and full of hope. That much goes without saying. But how do you do optimism when times are tough, people are hurting out of loneliness and...
How should resilient startup leaders and founders plan their summer break in 2020? Imagine, we’re back in January 2020, Christmas is done and you are sitting down to plan your summer trip! The...
You don’t need anyone to tell you that your revenues depend on digital marketing. Nor do you need reminding that ecommerce sales have (more or less) doubled and virtual sales meetings have replaced...
If it takes 30 days to change a habit, 6 weeks of lockdown will change society, work and our economy forever — so what will it be like in The New Normal? If you take just one thing, then choose this...
What stands out when fundraising in a time of crisis is that the behaviour and mindset of the startup or scaleup founder is more important than ever and especially critical to sourcing investment...
How do you build teams when everyone works from home? How do you manage / control complex projects with distributed teams? Different people will face different challenges working from home, how do...
We have a problem. Too many exciting startups get stuck in the ‘growth gap’ and struggle to expand rapidly. From one nation’s cohort of 2019 ‘best in class’ startups, a year later, only one of those...
I’m an optimist – despite the horrible politics of the last few years – Trump to Brexit to Orban in Hungry and Putin in Russia – I’m hopeful that the next decade will be a great one! As the saying...
…how well can you answer this question: What pain / worry / fear / concern is your startup solving or removing? But why is this such a hard question to answer? For some reason - we humans seem to be...
If you want to change the world, you could do worse than follow the method of Bill Gates – Microsoft co-founder and now philanthropist who, working with his partner and wife, Melinda Gates, has...
1. Step back into Startup Mode Everything is now a fast moving experiment let go of control – ask instead for data and base all decisions on that data instead of custom or perceived wisdom move...
Are you ready to scaleup your startup? Here I’m sharing 11 great coaching questions that our clients have used to transition from the startup to the scaleup phase and speed up and smooth out...
We’ve just launched a new 4.0 version of the Breakthrough Business Model Canvas here… Updated, upgraded and ready to use! Get clarity, gain traction, shred marketing costs and...
Facebook advertising is the new opportunity for smart and agile businesses – simply because it allows you to reach more people for less cost than any other form of marketing. Yes, that’s...
In my latest book The Official CyberSafr Home Business Guide, I’m seeking to help home and micro business owners tackle the threat of cyber attacks and data hacks. What I’ve found...
Do you have a website? Of course you do. Or perhaps you have a blog? Or have written a book or guide? Certainly if you are a consultant or part of a business, then that business will have a website...
The question occupying all media folk is 'will content sell online?' To which there is not yet a satisfactory answer. Why? I suggest that the question itself is nonsense and hence the...
Please stop spamming – just Network! So say many of the forums that you’ll find on fast developing social media sites like LinkedIn. Initially, this looks sensible – but look under...