The Breakthrough Business Model Canvas Growth Course is here!
- Are you a startup or a scale-up business wanting to accelerate growth?
- Are you pushed for time?
- Could you give 25 minutes to help your business grow?
- Then sign up now for free now to complete the Breakthrough Business Model Canvas!
Running a startup business is tough and time is precious. From my experience in helping business grow across Europe and the world I’ve developed the Breakthrough Canvas to accelerate growth. Now you can access it for free in this mini-course.
Through my work with helping entrepreneurs to successfully grow their businesses, I noticed a pattern. I realised that founders and businesses leaders frequently don’t recognise their own motivating factors or purpose in their business plans. The lack of purpose is causing so many businesses to miss opportunities to grow and for founders to enjoy their passion!
With this insight I have carefully reviewed existing systems, such as the Breakthrough Business Model Canvas and developed a new methodology to help harness the raw power of: purpose, muse, pain, feeling, team and risk and apply it to a business strategy and plan.
This is the Breakthrough Canvas, which is being used by my company, Media Modo, with entrepreneurs across Europe and the globe to create more successful startups and high growth businesses and help entrepreneurs fall back in love with their passion.
This mini-course is intended to introduce entrepreneurs to the key concepts of The Breakthrough Canvas and the core principles can be completed in just 25 minutes!
Sign up for free now (time limited offer) and complete this rapid fire course and help boost your business to new growth and enjoy more of what you do.